If your delivery day is Tuesday, but it rained all weekend, then bright and early Monday morning I would be, hanging diapers. All this before hitting the road to deliver.
The winter poses a bigger problem then the rain. In minus 30 weather the diapers freeze the moment they get outside. The diapers need to be watered down in baskets, then hung outside when it is sunny out. We can't just leave the diapers out all day, and hope it will be sunny. So in the wintertime, it is more " chase the sun" game. The other drawback with winter, is prying the diapers off the line. Majority of the time diapers are removed from the line, mid-day as the temperature is warmer. This ensures that the clothespins don't snap, and the diapers don't rip taking them off the line.
After the diapers are brought inside they are re-washed with The Laundry tarts(all natural laundry soda) to ensure there isn't any tiny handprints or bird poop on them. Diapers are then placed in the dryer with wool felted dryer balls. The boosters are hung to dry near the woodstove. The booster are made of hemp and bamboo and they take usually 2 dryer sessions to dry. By using the woodstove, they dry quicker, and then fluffed in the dryer.
Let us know if you have any questions about sunning your diapers out, and we will be happy to help!